Did you know that middle ear fluid is misdiagnosed frequently in the primary/urgent/emergency care setting? Adults are often told they have middle ear fluid when experiencing otalgia. This is rarely the case. Children with persistent serous otitis media will develop cognitive, reading, and language impairment without timely ENT referral and treatment. Tympanometry is an objective measure of middle ear status. It is a simple test which can confirm the presence or absence of middle ear fluid/purulence as well as the presence/absence of tympanic membrane perforation. It is STRONGLY RECOMMENDED to diagnose serous otitis media in children when the provider is not certain during otoscopy examination. ENT physicians use this as well when uncertain. Raise the level of care in your practice - and limit the frequency of misdiagnoses. This course incudes tutorial of device, case studies, coding webinar, and 7 weekly emails with tips of usage. This course is for any provider that treats ENT conditions. Accredited for 1 ACCME contact hour.
$299.00 USD